Thursday, December 6, 2012


Here is one of my works in progress.  All I have left to do is the quilting.  This step always frightens me, but I guess I just need to get started and see it through to the end.  At the very least, it can be a learning experience!

More thread art

I decided to make another run at the Thread Art technique, this time doing a picture of a friend for her birthday.  I am more happy with the way this one came out. 

Thread Art

I have done a few photo-based artworks in the past.  I have painted some and used some fabric inks, too.  I ran across a class called Thread Art on, which created art from photos in the way I had in the past, except that it used colored pencils.  I had never used colored pencils on fabric, so I decided to take the class to expand my horizons.  I was inspired by a photo of my daughter and I. 

Here is the end result:

I was pleased with how it came out overall--especially for my first attempt.  There are a few things I would change for the next one though.