Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Let's keep it goin'!

I am trying to knock out some of my UFOs, and here are some of my finished pieces. As usual, they are based on some photos that I took earlier this year.  I am really excited about these because I am offering them for sale in my Etsy shop.  Well, actually I am offering custom fiber art in the same style. 

"Our Embrace"

Tiffany's Signature Pose

Crystal the Diva

Sunday, June 3, 2012

It's on!

It took about seven weeks, several calls and a bit of frustration, but I have finally gotten my machine back! The crazy thing is, my machine was ready after two weeks.  We won't talk about that though...I am just ready to be back in commission.  The good news is that in those seven weeks, I have created at least seven UFO's that were just waiting on some stitchin'.  So I will be a "blog-postin', fiber art makin' fool" for the next week or so.