Tuesday, November 29, 2011

In the works....

I am currently working on a quilt based on a photo that inspired me over a year ago.  The first time I saw it, it truly made me think of the concept of girlfriends/sisters.  It will be a whole-cloth, painted piece and it is slightly abstract, though it bears a close resemblance to the inspiration.  I can't wait to post a pic of the work in progress at the end of the week.  I am hoping to finish painting everything except the background.

Friday, November 11, 2011

I'm super excited!

This past weekend was the International Quilt Festival in Houston.  I have attended every year since I found out about it, and this was the second year that I had a small journal quilt exhibited at the SAQA booth.  I actually had two quilts in the exhibit, and to my surprise, both of them were sold.  I was so grateful for the opportunity to show some of my work, and the fact that they sold was the icing on the cake!  Thank you to those patrons who purchased my work!  I feel even more inspired and motivated to keep on creating.